



Today when I open fb~see Cheryl and Shirley chatting~
say about the result~
and I so scare man~
why I didn't receive the private message~><~
I tot I can't go for the exam~
really OMG!!!
Then I go to the group and see Nitia post~

Nitia:hi all...T4 mock Exam results is here d...below are the list of students who can go for the CBE...
10. YL T4 70 AND CAN SIT FOR T2 (72) AS WELL

so happy~finally I can go for the CBE~
I so scare I'll fail and can't go the exam~
CBE must pass!!!
I must work hard~
I don't want study with other intake~><~

And Someone need to treat me MCD~Happy~

1 month study break~really bored~
Everyday stay at home~
I'll crazy~
I want go out~date me out please~><~
Next sem need to take 7 subjects~can't play already~
If not...I'll die...
God bless me please~

Genting~I'm coming~^^~

Converse Warehouse Sales

Today is the first day of Converse Warehouse Sales
The Sales start from 10am~
I,my bro,GJ go there together~
This is the first time we go there~
wow~there is super duper crowded~
When we look at those people and thinking~
Is it the thing all is FOC~buy so many~
At the end I and my bro didn't buy anything~
Inside the factory too many people and it is very hot and stuffy so we 2 decided to go back already~
If want buy something need to queue for at least 1 hour~really crazy~waste my precious time~lol~

Night~go out with Sakai LT~!!!
go eat dinner~after that~
don't know today so many people~full house~!!!
No empty seat for us~!!
so we decided go back home~
go out with her really super duper tired~

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